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About this summit
October the month of cyber security ! As the digital world continues to evolve, cyber breaches have become an unwelcome but also expected business norm. While you cannot control when an incident will happen, you can limit its impact – and a key part of this is an efficient incident response plan. Get ready for the next Cyber Security Summit with 24 hours dedicated to cyber risk and vulnerability lifecycle management. Attend keynotes and sessions as we bring together the leading minds in security and recap the cyber risk landscape in 2022.
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The speakers that are confirmed for this summit are:














Our Agenda

Discover the agenda of this summit:

27 Oct 2022 04:00 AM (America/New_York)
Cyber Security
CyberSecurity and Forensic information
Want to discuss Cybersecurity and Forensic Information platform
Presented by : Arslan Zaheer
Duration : 30 Minutes
27 Oct 2022 05:00 AM (America/New_York)
Cyber Security
The love hate between Agile Developers and Security Engineers
There's always an unspoken love-hate relationship between developers in organizations that follow the agile framework and the security engineers. We'll explore, in short, how the DevSecOps movement came to be, how security had to transform due to the agile movement, and the resulting consequences in the relationship between developers and security engineers. Further, we'll explore the change in mindset required to solve this silent but persistent problem.
See More Presented by : Riyaz Rafi Ahmed
Duration : 30 Minutes
27 Oct 2022 06:00 AM (America/New_York)
Science & Technology ,VR/AR ,Cyber Security
The role of Metaverse in Government Services
The role of Metaverse in Government Services 
Presented by : Dr Ahmad Altarawneh
Duration : 30 Minutes
27 Oct 2022 08:00 AM (America/New_York)
Cyber Security
Why Cybersecurity isnt just about technology
Often when people hear the words "Cyber" and "Security" their minds drift towards technical solutions to fix the problem. Indeed, many IT vendors will try to sell you the "blue pill" keeping you firmly locked into the Matrix of technologies they supply. In this short talk you will learn how you must combine technology with people, processes and standards to help keep your organization secure.  
See More Presented by : Lee Williamson
Duration : 30 Minutes
27 Oct 2022 08:30 AM (America/New_York)
Cyber Security
The role of Ethical Hacking in Cyber Security
The domain of Cyber Security is ever expanding with increasing number of Cloud based services and infrastructure. The risk and threats can be mitigated if there is a systemic incident response. To assess and identify the threats and vulnerabilitites, ethical hacking is a key process which can diminish the impact of cyber attacks and also help in thier prevention.
See More Presented by : Saurabh Dixit
Duration : 30 Minutes
27 Oct 2022 11:00 AM (America/New_York)
Cyber Security
Cyber Attack and Data Disaster Recovery Case Study Stories
High Stakes, High Visibility Lessons-Learned 9/11 Pentagon Communications Recovery US Stock Market Security DDOS US Military Biometric Intel Apps Iraq/Afgh US Federal Agency Application Disasters
See More Presented by : Bill Alderson
Duration : 60 Minutes
27 Oct 2022 11:30 AM (America/New_York)
Cyber Security
Why Prosecutors fail to understand Digital Evidence and tackle online crime
As police forces work towards improving their skills and labs when it comes to digital forensics, prosecutorial services do not appear to follow that trend.  As a result, many online crimes, including the possession of Indecent Images of Children (IIoC or CSEA), one of the vilest forms of online crime, end up unpunished.  This presentation will examine why there is such a gap between the understanding of digital evidence, between police and prosecution, and what needs to be done to change things.  The presentation will use real-life cases to demonstrate this problem. 
See More Presented by : Basil Manoussos
Duration : 30 Minutes
27 Oct 2022 12:00 PM (America/New_York)
Cyber Security
Magic of Cyber Security and Medical Affairs friendship
The views expressed in this webinar are those of the presenter and are not an official position statement by Cognedt. This presentation is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal, business or regulatory advice. The session will provide food for thoughts by Opening the dialog on controversial topics – what cyber security means for medical affairs and whether they can go along with each other Providing some practical examples Unleashing opportunities for better understanding and collaboration between experts in cyber security and medical affairs
See More Presented by : Rahela Penovski
Duration : 30 Minutes
27 Oct 2022 01:00 PM (America/New_York)
Cyber Security
Age Appropriate Design Code Act
Age Appropriate Design Code Act - what will this mean to compliance 
Presented by : Lisa Manns
Duration : 30 Minutes
27 Oct 2022 02:00 PM (America/New_York)
Cyber Security
Supply Chain Risk Management
1. Discuss the current Supply Chain Risk landscape and all the threats that exist.  2. Go over previous some supply chain disasters that have occured in the past and what we have learned from it.  3. Mention solutions & services that could help any organization implement a robust Supply Chain Risk Management program. 4. Discuss best practices. 5. Closing Summary 
See More Presented by : Maya Kano
Duration : 30 Minutes
27 Oct 2022 03:00 PM (America/New_York)
Cyber Security
Cybersecurity Awareness Essentials
Understand core cybersecurity awareness training topics, their importance to an organization, and the potential consequences of failure to educate. These topics include; - Passwords and Authentication  - Public Wi-fi - Social Media Use - Social Engineering - Phishing Attacks 
See More Presented by : James Renna
Duration : 30 Minutes
27 Oct 2022 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
Cyber Security
Reframing Cybersecurity as a Revenue Generator
Turn cybersecurity from a cost center to a business driver! ✪ Cybersecurity is generally considered a cost center rather than a business driver. Learn how to reframe cybersecurity as a business enabler that generates top-line revenue, and become a sought-out partner in the C-Suite. ✪ The session will cover: 1) The current state of cybersecurity from a business perspective. 2) The benefits of reframing cybersecurity as a market differentiator. 3) The challenges of reframing cybersecurity within an organization. 4) How to reframe cybersecurity within the C-Suite. 5) Audience-driven Q&A.
See More Presented by : Todd Jacobs
Duration : 60 Minutes
27 Oct 2022 06:00 PM (America/New_York)
Cyber Security
What is up with Cyber Insurance
This presentation will go over current issues within Cyber Insurance. Greg will discuss where rates are going, what insurance companies are looking for, and what you can do to keep your Cyber Insurance premiums down.
See More Presented by : Gregory Kenneally Prawdzik
Duration : 30 Minutes
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