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About this summit
The Summit on Alternative Medicine is an annual virtual event that brings together practitioners, researchers, and advocates of alternative medicine to share knowledge, discuss challenges, and explore new developments in the field. Alternative medicine refers to a wide range of practices and therapies that are not part of conventional Western medicine, including traditional herbal remedies, acupuncture, chiropractic, and naturopathy… The summit includes keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops covering a broad range of topics related to alternative medicine. The discussions focus on the evidence base for various therapies, their safety and efficacy, and the regulatory environment for alternative medicine: The summit will tackle so many themes but not limited to: - The growing interest in alternative medicine among patients and healthcare providers, - Alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular, particularly for chronic conditions that are difficult to treat with conventional medicine, - Focus on the reasons for this trend and the potential benefits and risks of alternative medicine, - The need for rigorous research to establish the safety and efficacy of alternative therapies, - The ways to improve the quality of research on alternative medicine and increase its integration into conventional medicine. - The ways to integrate alternative medicine into conventional healthcare systems and promote patient-centered care, - The importance of collaboration between practitioners of alternative medicine and conventional medicine. is an Open-Access Self-Serve Community-Based Verticalized platform to promote professionals’ visibility. LOGYTalks integrates tools similar to Zoom for Video-Conferencing, Mailchimp for Target Marketing, Linkedin for Vertical Networking and Slack for Content Management. It has so many innovative features such as Live Interpretation, meeting Transcripts, Citation ID, …
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The speakers that are confirmed for this summit are:




















Our Agenda

Discover the agenda of this summit:

04 May 2023 04:00 AM (America/New_York)
Herbal Medicine...what is it?
What is Herbal Medicine? How can it help you? Are Herbal Teas effective as a medicine?
Presented by : Dellna Illavia
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 May 2023 05:30 AM (America/New_York)
Energy coaching for professionals
Imagine if you could manage energy. If you could know for certain when one of your close friends, or your partner, or your boss, were energy blocked. Imagine if, you were able to work together with energy to solve any kind of emotional or relational issues. And you won’t believe how easy it is. That’s what you’re going to hear about and have a taste of. Lecture includes: * Presentation of subject * Live demonstration of energy reading * First hand experience of energy reading for the participants during lecture. * Time for Q & A And you won’t believe how easy it is!
See More Presented by : Yair Sagy
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 May 2023 06:00 AM (America/New_York)
Blockchain & Crypto ,Health ,consumer solutions ,Science & Technology ,Physics ,Technology ,Science
Medical Futurism: Digital Health & Therapeutics
Bio-Resonance (BRT) | BioFeedback | Vocal Diagnostics | A.I. | Ultrasounds | PEMF | SaaS | Telemedicine | mHealth | Robotics ... Society as we know it is going through a major shift. New technologies in the field of medicine are now emerging that for the first time ever, stand to decentralize access to basic health care for all of us. Giving people access to health directly from their palm of hand their hands. With health being the foundation to life itself; tomorrow seems bright with the rise in acceptance of technologies, that just a few years ago, were either overlooked, mocked or suppressed. Amidst these new discoveries resides a modern understanding of our own health and how such technologies can play an integral part in empowering both the individual and society as a whole. Unlocking our collective human potential by adding a newfound scientific approach to well-respected alternative healing modalities practices since antiquity. All supported by a simple and historically-proven observation: The only thing that separates pseudoscience from accepted science, is simply time.
See More Presented by : Jaime Iredale
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 May 2023 07:00 AM (America/New_York)
Role of Artificial intelligence in health care system, AI impact on physicians and patients care
AI is the game changer in the field of health and medical sciences , it is the key point which revolutionized the health care system. this lecture will give the medical professionals , students and allied health sciences professionals the basic knowledge about role of artificial intelligence in health care system.
See More Presented by : Dr Latif Ullah Khattak
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 May 2023 08:00 AM (America/New_York)
Health ,Personal Development ,Science
Gongs & Chanting to Promote Mental and Physical Wellness

Join Kundalini Yogi and Gong Player Tom Ford for an introduction to sound therapy with a special focus on gongs and chanting.

During this session we'll review some facts about gongs and chanting that you may not be aware of! I'll also provide free resources to help you in your overall quest for mind-body wellness including 2 free experiences to try: one with gongs and one with chanting (headphones recommended)! 

This session is public and open to anyone who is curious about gongs and/or chanting. 

Important Note: This session may be updated to occur on Zoom instead of the LogyTalks Platform.

You can access all of the content from today's session at this link - don't forget to check out the speakers notes for links to additional resources (please copy and paste if the URL does not work for you): 

See More Presented by : Tom Ford
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 May 2023 08:30 AM (America/New_York)
Health ,Personal Development
Soul Therapy with Live Intuitive Readings
Eminent Spiritual Medium, Roshani Shenazz from India shares her journey from Glamour to God on how Soul Therapy came into existence in her life after 23 years of being in the films and media Industry and how her life had a rebirth after a life-death situation to get her to be who she is today, through the guidance of Divine Angels in 2009. She will share how Soul Therapy with the Angels works to help you heal, transform and create a life of abundance, health, and alignment with your purpose of existence. The session's highlight will be Live Angel Soul Guidance Readings from Roshani's best-selling book "Angels Speak," which has transformed and healed thousands of lives since then. It is the first Indian Oracle book in 2016 with 365 Channelled Angel Messages with Healing Affirmations and 15 Channelled Illustrations of Archangels and Chapters on how the Mind Body Soul can benefit when we allow Divinity to co-create the life of goodness. Since 2010, Roshani Shenazz's Soul Therapy Guidance/Healing, and Corporate Wellness & Happiness Coaching work has impacted thousands globally, by helping individuals and Companies to regain and restore high productivity and wellbeing through her Life Integration Programs, Webinars, Meditations, and Speaking events. Transformation continues as Roshani enthuses souls globally.
See More Presented by : Roshani Shenazz Nadirshah
Duration : 90 Minutes
04 May 2023 09:00 AM (America/New_York)
Mindfully Live in Sync with Your values for Better Health
Improve your overall health by living in alignment with your personal values. Gain fresh insight and perspective and a deep understanding of how to create balance in your personal and professional life without sacrificing your health, relationships or personal growth. I will cover: breathing techniques to reduce stress and anxiety, gratitude, why your values matter, identifying your values, energy audit, healthy boundaries, mindfulness techniques and a guided meditation to help you achieve the right mindset towards experiencing a healthier, happier lifestyle. It will be interactive so bring pen and paper!
See More Presented by : Yasmin Djendel
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 May 2023 09:00 AM (America/New_York)
Laughter is the Best Medicine
BIO- ANJU SHAHANI Anju is a laughter yoga expert and a human connection enthusiast. She considers herself a global citizen, having lived and worked in Mumbai, London, Moscow, Kuwait and Dubai, and strongly believes in the mantra that "change is the only constant" in life. Laughter Yoga Anju is a Certified Laughter Yoga Trainer, helping to grow the movement of Laughter Yoga for Health, Happiness and World Peace. Since 2011 she has brought joy and happiness to thousands of students and participants across Russia, UK, USA, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, India, Australia and now in UAE. She has also trained and certified over 100 Laughter Yoga leaders across these countries who in turn are spreading the movement further. Anju has conducted a number of corporate seminars globally and recently many in Dubai, bringing laughter and happiness via workshops with the aim to reduce stress in the workplace. She has been certified by the Laughter Guru, Dr. Madan Kataria who is a medical doctor and founder of the Laughter Yoga University in Bangalore. Anju has also been appointed as an official Ambassador of the University for her work in this field. Anju's Ikigai ‘One World Family' is her motto, as she has had the opportunity to live through different experiences and been exposed to numerous cultures, which has enabled her to deepen her 'human connections' ability. Her curiosity as a Human Connection enthusiast led her to gain her certification as a Senior Certified Professional Coach with Coach Transformation Academy in 2019. In March 2020, amidst the lockdown and turmoil of the global pandemic, she turned the negativity happening in the world into an opportunity and decided to also gain her certification as a Happiness and Mindfulness coach with Berkeley School of Well Being, California - ultimately to be able to bring more positivity to people during tough times. Since then, it has been an exciting journey of coaching and training over hundreds of participants to embrace happiness through her Laughter Yoga and Happiness events and corporate workshops. Anju has truly found her Ikigai - she loves what she does and strongly believes she provides people with the tools they need to embrace happiness.
See More Presented by : Anju Shahani
Duration : 45 Minutes
04 May 2023 09:30 AM (America/New_York)
Why Regulating Your Nervous System is Key to Optimal Health
In this presentation participants will learn about the primary nervous system states and how to shift from feeling stressed or overwhelmed to a state of elevated health and well-being. Participants will learn: 🌱 why the health of your nervous system is critical to overall health and wellbeing 🌱 the difference between mindset work and nervous system work and why working with the nervous system is the BEST place to begin 🌱 what the 3 primary nervous system states are and map where your nervous system has been conditioned 🌱 2 simple yet powerful balance exercises to shift your nervous system to a healthier, regulated state 🌱 how to develop a daily practice of nervous system health to elevate your overall health and wellbeing
See More Presented by : Dawn Pensack
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 May 2023 10:00 AM (America/New_York)
Alternative Medicine Staffing Trends
I will be covering topics including but not limited to Recruiting/Staffing Trends within the Cannabis & Psychedelics industries. We will review and discuss where we see the most interest in terms of career opportunities within both industries. The last 10-15 minutes will be reserved for a Q&A session where participants will be able to fire off a couple of questions involving topics of interest. Contact: Email: Personal LinkedIn Page: Company LinkedIn Page:
See More Presented by : Frederick Silber
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 May 2023 10:30 AM (America/New_York)
Business & Entrepreneurship ,Entrepreneurship & Small Business ,Communication ,Information & Communication Technology ,Media & Advertising ,Education & Training ,Health ,Leadership & Development
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Language: The Art of Living with Grace
Learn how language shapes our reality well beyond words and how we can use this to inspire a kind and just environment at home, work and play.
Presented by : Grace De La Rosa
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 May 2023 11:00 AM (America/New_York)
Health ,Personal Development
Meditation for healing & grounding
Working with divine energy and benevolent Creator, Source energy and Mother earth, we will work with this benevolent energy, to allow release of held emotional energy not for our highest good. Time to move forward in the re birthing time.
See More Presented by : Karen Egoff
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 May 2023 11:00 AM (America/New_York)
Health ,Science & Technology ,Science
Bio-Well Electrophotonic Imaging and Energy Monitoring- Bridging Science and Spirituality
EXPERT CERTIFIED Expert Certified in Bio-Well Electrophotonic Imaging Technology ***As used by Dr. Joe Dispenza and his research team*** Bio-well is designed for the express-assessment of the energetic state of a person, family, team or organization and the effects of the energetic influences on the environment. Bio-well scientifically demonstrates the bridge of hard science and spirituality. By incorporating the science of energy with Bio-well Quantum computing technology, we can observe the influence, impact and effect of energy and emotions on: Human Being Energy Systems Impacting Health and Vitality Animal Energy Systems and Vitality Complex Organizational and Team Interrelationships Family Dynamics Leadership Cohesiveness Observing the Energy of You Organizations Corporate Culture WHAT IS BIO-WELL ELECTROPHOTONIC IMAGING TECHNOLOGY? Bio-well is revolutionizing the way we understand our lifestyle and its effects on our energetic systems. Discover the power of energy to enhance your entire being with this revolutionary analysis tool. You will unlock a new perspective on your lifestyle with Bio-well. Bio-Well is a revolutionary Electrophotonics tool developed by an international team and lead by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg Research University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in St. Petersburg, Russia. The Electro-Photonic Imaging or Gas Discharge Visualization technique (Kirlian effect) was initially developed in 1995, and designed for the express-assessment of the energetic state of a person and specifically how the brain is allocating energy to the organs, endocrines, body parts, sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system. Interpretation of the scans is based on Acupuncture point concepts, Ayurvedic Principles and over 20 years of internationally based scientific and clinical research, hundreds of practitioners and thousands of clients and patients. Additionally, this system measures the Quantum field of human energy centers, also known as Chakras. THE SCIENCE OF ENERGY CAN BE INCORPORATED FOR OBSERVING LIVING ENERGY IN: Human and animal energy systems and vitality Corporate organizational consulting Integrative Coaching with Quantum Medicine The Bio-well scanning process is fast, easy, and non-intrusive. These scans offer instantaneous feedback on the actual energetic conditions that are both strengthening and weakening both your individual and organizational stress levels and energy reserves. Utilizing this valuable information can help you make the most of emotional and physical well-being dramatically improving overall culture, communication and cohesion! By utlizing Bio-well electrophotonic data, our clients can track the real-time transformation of their individual and organizational stress and energy levels every day. This data can help them see the influence and impact of various physical and energetic environmental conditions and stimuli. With this information, you can make meaningful changes to both your individual and organizational health and well-being!
See More Presented by : Pallas Dame
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 May 2023 11:00 AM (America/New_York)
Let's talk about L.A.U.G.H.T.E.R.
Join Daniella Le Gresley (Happy Dani 😊) and her first Laugh Center canine service companion Spirito 🐾 for an experiential talk on the topic of L.A.U.G.H.T.E.R., what it means to her, and why. Learn about the positive health benefits associated with laughter and how you can integrate laughter exercises into your daily life, as a complement to an existing medical or exercise regimen. For health, happiness, and world peace everyone—let's work, learn and laugh together!
See More Presented by : Daniella Le Gresley
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 May 2023 11:30 AM (America/New_York)
Self Regulate to Self Heal
Learn practices to help self-regulate by balancing your nervous system, relaxing your body, and calming your mind. Exploring simple techniques of yoga, breathwork, mindfulness, and meditation for stress relief and management that can be used in daily life. Cultivating steadiness and ease in your body & mind, connecting with your heart & soul in peace and love.
See More Presented by : Caitlin deLahunta
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 May 2023 12:00 PM (America/New_York)
Correct Root Causes of Pain and Fatigue With Bioenergetics
Bioenergetics is the study, detection and correction of energy in living systems. Let us acknowledge the latest findings in physics that prove we are primarily energy and all connected. Energy is information in motion, everything is information interacting according to fundamental laws. We each emit an energy field that emanates from the heart. This is the "Human Biofield" that is governed by our emotions and intentions that ultimately govern the rhythms of the heart. By correcting the body's energy system, theoretically, we can correct anything; Discover some facts that will help you take charge and gain clarity on what it takes to thrive.
See More Presented by : Sharon Kopchia Oko
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 May 2023 12:00 PM (America/New_York)
Creating Certainty in Uncertain Times
How often in our life do we feel that we are in uncharted territory, and everything is constantly changing? Too often we are in uncertainty and feel out of control.
Presented by : Dolores Fazzino
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 May 2023 01:00 PM (America/New_York)
Education & Training ,Health ,Personal Development
Stress & Anxiety Management
Easy breathing techniques to fight stress and anxiety. Easy meditation routines to bring emotional stability.
Presented by : Gayatri Deshmukh
Duration : 30 Minutes
04 May 2023 03:00 PM (America/New_York)
Food ,Health
Why Quality Protein Is The Foundation For Healthspan, Beauty & Wellness
Little is known about the incredible benefits of quality whey protein. Did you know it was perscribed by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, to his patients as an immune booster? When the quality, quantity and frequency are right, Protein can improve global health, stabilise moods, boost immunity, improve digestion, lean structure, hair skin and nails as well as being a powerful antioxidant. Discover life changing details about protien, our most complex macro-nutrient during our talk.
See More Presented by : Julia Partrat
Duration : 60 Minutes
04 May 2023 04:00 PM (America/New_York)
The Heartspace As The Ultimate Medicine
the exploration of how The Heartspace is the ultimate alternative medicine.
Presented by : Kelly Keefe
Duration : 45 Minutes
04 May 2023 04:30 PM (America/New_York)
LOGYTalks AI, Alternative Medicine
The final alternative medicine conference, presented by LOGYTalks AI, is a general session focused on promoting a holistic approach to health and wellness. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore various alternative medicine techniques and modalities, without any speakers. The conference aims to provide a platform for learning, networking, and discovering new ways to support health and well-being.
See More Presented by : LOGYTalks AI
Duration : 30 Minutes
Our Partners

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